Avatar iMax 3D in Kuwait … Not Good

last week i went to watch Avatar iMax version in 360, and i was so dissapointed:
1) compared to other 3D movies it lacked to real 3D effects that makes you reach out for them. ( except for the translaton line 😛 )
2) There are so many cut scenes for no valid reason .. probably just to make the film shorter so they can have more shows in a day ( compared to the downloaded version it seems the guy was randomly cutting )

3) The screen kept on going black from time to time during the show.
4) The temperature in the hall was high the 3D glasses kept on fogging

Recommendation: Either wait for the DVD to come out or go to see it on a Monday with the discounted ticket coz from what they did to the movie here its not worth the 4KD you pay for iMax

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Rola Dashti Why ?!

I’m not into politics at all but i recently read this article from Aljarida news paper and got upset when reading that Rola Dashti is working against the law and working against the employees..
They are Human beings not slaves nor machines, they deserve the time off same as u enjoy your long vacations.. and as i recall it was their votes that put you where you are now

ويصوت المجلس على عدد من التعديلات المقدمة من قبل رئيسة لجنة الشؤون الصحية والاجتماعية البرلمانية النائبة رولا دشتي، والتي دعت في معظمها إلى تقليص الإجازات المستحقة للعامل التي أقرها القانون في مداولته الأولى، والتي حظيت بموافقة اللجنة، وتبدأ من المادة 68 التي حددت الإجازات الرسمية المقررة للعامل بأجر كامل، وبالرغم من أن القانون قد حدد في مداولته الأولى ثلاثة أيام إجازة لعيد الفطر مدفوعة الأجر، ومثلها لعيد الأضحى، فإنها اقترحت تقليص هاتين الإجازتين إلى يومين بدلاً من ثلاث.

كما سيتم التصويت على التعديل الآخر المقدم من قبلها على المادة 69، التي اقترحت خلاله جعل الإجازة المرضية خلال السنة عن أول عشرة أيام بأجر كامل بدلاً من خمسة عشر يوماً، كما نص عليها الاقتراح في مداولته الأولى.

ومن بين التعديلات التي سيتم التصويت عليها الخاصة بالإجازات التعديل على المادة 70 المقدمة من قبل رئيسة لجنة الشؤون الصحية والاجتماعية والعمل البرلمانية، الذي يقلص فترة الإجازة السنوية المدفوعة الأجر للعامل في القطاع الخاص من ثلاثين يوماً، كما أقرها المجلس في مداولته الأولى إلى خمسة عشر يوماً، إذ ينص التعديل المقدم من دشتي على أن ‘للعامل الحق في إجازة سنوية مدفوعة الأجر مدتها خمسة عشر يوماً عن السنة الأولى لا تستحق إلا بعد قضائه تسعة أشهر على الأقل في خدمة صاحب العمل، وواحد وعشرون يوماً لمن أمضى في الخدمة مدة لا تقل عن سنتين ولا تجاوز 5 سنوات، ومدة شهر لمن جاوزت خدمته خمس سنوات’.

المادة (76)

كما سيتم التصويت أيضاً على التعديل المقدم على نص المادة 76 من قبل رولا دشتي، والتي اقترحت فيه أن يكون للعامل الذي أمضى ثلاث سنوات متصلة في خدمة صاحب العمل الحق في إجازة مدفوعة الأجر مدتها خمسة عشر يوماً لأداء فريضة الحج، شريطة ألا يكون قد أدى الفريضة قبل، في حين أنها كانت تنص هذه المادة في المداولة الأولى على من أمضت سنتين متصلتين فقط وليس ثلاث سنوات، كما أقرت اللجنة الصحية تعديل دشتي على نص المادة 77 والذي سيتم التصويت عليه أيضاً، والتي قلصت فيه إجازة العامل في حالة الوفاة إلى ثلاثة أيام بحد أقصى، في حين أن المادة في المداولة الأولى لم تشر إلى ‘حد أقصى’، كما اقترحت أيضاً في هذه المادة جعل إجازة المرأة العاملة المسلمة التي يُتوفى زوجها مدة واحد وعشرين يوماً، بعد أن كانت أربعة أشهر، إذ ينص اقتراحها على ما يلي: ‘للعامل في حالة وفاة أحد أقاربه من الأولى والثانية، الحق في إجازة بأجر كامل بحد أقصى ثلاثة أيام وفقاً لما يقرره صاحب العمل، على ألا تخصم من إجازته الرسمية. وللمرأة العاملة المسلمة التي تُوفِي زوجها الحق في إجازة عدة بأجر كامل مدة 21 يوماً من تاريخ الوفاة، ولها الحق في إجازة دون أجر مدة لا تتجاوز أربعة أشهر من تاريح انتهاء الاجازة المذكورة شريطة موافقة صاحب العمل، وفي حال عدم موافقة صاحب العمل عليها يلتزم الأخير بتنظيم دوام المرأة المسلمة التي يتوفى زوجها، بحيث تكون ساعات عملها بين الثامنة صباحاً والخامسة عصراً، وذلك مع عدم الإخلال بأحكام المادة 64 من هذا القانون.

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How Burgers & Fries Look Great in Ads

So this is how they do it:

Thanx to: Mishary @ http://somecontrast.com/

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Night 1:
I arrived here at around 8:00PM and reached the hotel at around 9 after finishing the check-in procedures and unpacking my necessary gear for the job at night. i went out bought some stuff for the fridge mainly BIG bottles of water those little ones there are insufficient for my consumption 😛

after having a short nap it was time.. at around 1:00am i grabbed a cab and headed to our office the place is creepy at night finished my work and returned at around 2:00am slept like a dead zombie till next day.

Night 2:
i went to the Saudi version of Hawalli & bought my self a couple chips of 2GB RAM i hope the guy knows what he’s talking about or i’ll be stuck with some very expensive pieces of silicon 😛

i was Invited by some new friends to go out for dinner and try out the Real Saudi Kabsa and it was Awesome the place was called “Al Nathej” i really enjoyed it first was the Arabian coffee and dates then came the main course KABSA it was one of the best dishes i ever tried Thank you Guys :
Mr Nayef, Mr Abo 3amer, MR Omar & Mr Adel it was a great evening.

i Love this place 🙂
i’m leaving now to take alook at the malls around the area c ya later.

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This weekend & Power Failures

i had a cool adventurous weekend, it started with Rock band with the gang (finally) then a rerun of annimatrix (thanx Falantan ) then a crazy run of ” little big planet ” which got interrupted by a call from my colleague who got trapped in the building after an unfortunate event of a Power failure caused by a leaking water pipe.

Next day i was preparing my bags for the business trip to Riyadh when suddenly the Power goes off.. i switch it on from the main switch.. moments later poof its out… turns out that Mustafa our handy man was doing some work in our neighbors apartment good thing i didn’t electrocute him.

I packed my bags headed to the airport boarded the plane escaping from all these power problems finally 🙂
the captain greets us “Ladies and Gentlemen welcome aboard our *** airlines flight number *** blah blah “.. then he orders the crew to prepare for take off “Cabin crew prepare for takeoff” the engines start increasing in speed, the noise is evry where then … BZzzznnnnnn… another Power failure emergency lights come up … the plane just died on the runway motionless… ( guess plane was microsoft and needed a restart 😛 ) but no worries couple of minutes later it was rebooted 😛 and off we go 🙂

NOTE : you won’t be reading this if there was another Power failure during the flight, would you ?

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Hairy a new look…

Hairy has been spending his time surfing the web using his telepathic powers hacking into my wireless connection and downloading all he can to learn about our culture..

Today he was influenced with the amount of movies and TV shows he saw and asked me to give him a new look.
And this is the result.. please leave a comment and tell Hairy if you like it:

These are the tools i used to give Hairy his new look.

UPDATE: See those little green hairs ? i might have accidentally eaten them when i placed my dinner plate on them.

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A fine day…

u might all have noticed the change in weather today… regardless of the massive amount of dirt on the cars around you that is.
i got some decent pictures from my office window and some included Abid having breakfast at 4:00PM.. guess the fine weather made him forget to eat.

P.S: That tiny thing was what remained from the breakfast.

Categories: Fun, Kuwait, Weather | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

My Friend Hairy….

Hairy is a creature from another planet/time/dimension he came to visit our planet to learn the ways of the Earth men.

Unfortunately his plan didn’t work as expected

i found this object that looked like a potato at first i thought it was a rock but then i realized it is a head of a living creature and he told me that his body remained on his planet waiting for the return of his head.

Now Hairy’s head has to be placed in a special container with a unknown-to-man-kind liquid to keep him alive, however this liquid has some side effects other than being highly dangerous to humans it grows hair rapidly..

The good thing is that Hairy learned how to live with his new condition and got himself a private helicopter for his transportation.

but still communication is limited to telepathy & mind signals telling me what he wants as he lost all his facial features during the intergalactical-teleportation and we had to do some reconstruction surgeries to his head to make it as human as possible.

So if you are bald and would like to get some hair Hairy is willing to share with you some of his miracle liquid for a reasonable deal if you don’t mind the color that is…

As Hairy was telling me his story he mentioned that he was not the only one arriving .. he might have some relatives roaming around our planet as we speak now.

so if you see any of Hairy’s relatives around please let us know.

Hairy loves you all 🙂

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Head Thingy Wingy…

This tool is used for head massage you just move it vertically on your head and enjoy the tingling sensation 🙂
i was introduced to this tool by a friend when it had a name “Copper Topper” that was more than 5 years ago, there where some imitations but they didn’t give the same feeling as the original one.

Head Massager

Recently my bro bought one it doesn’t look like the original one it was much smaller but works just as good as the old one.

This brought back old memories and triggered a Quest to go hunt the local shops for one and i FOUND IT (thank you China) YIPPPEEEEEEE.

Since i can’t call it “Copper Topper” for copyright reasons i shall name it the Head Thingy Wingy…

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Google Reader ( A bless or a curse )

Ever since i started to use google reader to follow my fellow bloggers my comment rate went down dramatically.. The good thing about it is that it collects all the blogs i like to follow in one page, but i’m too lazy to go to the original page to place my comments.

So to all my fellow bloggers i’m still following you and thank you for those interesting blogs ( the boring ones NO ) 😀

Btw : i’m using Windows7 (64bit) at home for a while now after a long relationship with Windows XP, seems to be working fine anyone else using it ? any comments / concerns about it ?

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